re: grant - comsuc down again?but what? "But, if M'lud pleases,...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 147
    re: grant - comsuc down again?but what? "But, if M'lud pleases, the meticulous detail with which the Defendant kept all of his other records together, and the depth of his knowledge of trading, as gathered by the many transactions previously executed by him, goes equally to conduct, and mind.

    "The Defendant knew exactly how many shares he held because he had previously traded the shares and kept the details together.

    "He had visited his on-line account on a regular basis. Indeed, he had done so in a twinkling of an eye, following the crediting of the shares, but before selling out of his portfolio.

    "In a master stroke M'lud, the client of my learned friend opposite me, sought to prosecute the confusion existing between the broker he had on-line, and the call centre broker who he was now talking to, and in doing so, sought to profit from that confusion. After all, M'lud, no actual or real harm was done here. No crime against property or person was ever committed, and if anything, merely a fleeting chance had passed one by, and the broker would soon make amends for this.

    "Let there be no mistake, then, in a deliberate, callous, and thoughtful way, the Defendant did set about to permanently deprive, and through that deprivation, to gain a financial advantage which otherwise he would not have been seized of.

    "My learned friend opposite can say all that he likes about the matter, but the error of his client's ways are all too exposed to suggest anything but guilt. The Defendant came, he saw, he realised, he determined, he executed, and he profited. That M'lud is a crime in anyone's book, and most particularly, it is a crime that is now before you in this most Honourable of Courts....".

    No slap on the wrist, but a minimum of weekday and weekend servitude at the continuing pleasure of Her Majesty.

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