congrats we now have an australia card, page-2

  1. 11,994 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3126
    Big govt is the Wests big risk. They will slowly in-debt us and choke off our freedoms. The HRC was a taste of what these guys are capable of. Shortens leftist army from getup to the unions are part of the same problem. The delusion is so great with that lot, that they dont even get they are removing their own freedoms down the track. I am sure their children wont be thanking them. If you look at Gillards track record of removing the building commission to strengthen unions and then gave us the HRC to slap down free speech - you get the idea. All the main parties are ignoring the peoples appeals for slower immigration and continue to stomp on small business with endless regulation. Longer term, folk will awake to the reality and it will be too late. WA Labor now want to bring on a gold mining tax. I guess if you cant bash them with mining and carbon taxes, just tax them anyway. We have two main engines of income and growth - mining and housing. Labors answer to this is to tax one of them and implement mega hurdles to slow the process down. We are not talking about smart people here, they are walking idiots. Higher taxes come because of mismanagement and over spending of other peoples money. The banks now own the next 20 years of many peoples lives and retail sales are dropping because of increasing taxes and costs of living (power bills and debt)
    Aust is structurally in trouble and piling on debt to subsidies an expensive RET fantasy.
    Dont worry, the govt knows all about people and they use facebook and google if required. Those really nice companies who dont want to control your life as well. lol
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