conservatism related low iq, page-68

  1. 8,506 Posts.

    so tell me vistica

    if you are bemused by people who still support gillard, and (in your opinion) her failures, why are you not bemused with people who support an even bigger failure that the polls consistently has his party well ahead, but personally has him marked down as a fail, even before he raises a finger of triumph - they don't like him, period, and gillard is paying the price for the ousting of rudd (a rupert choice)

    what happened to the quick election - abbott had the benefit of a minority govt who at times made an art form of shooting itself in the foot and the hysterical drama queen fodder constantly being fed to the dumbed down masses from a man who has 70% of the media in this country

    the coalition may well win in sept, but bear in mind that the electorate doesn't like the same political colors at both fed and state level

    remember when newman, as an over rated town hall clerk, held the highest position in the whole country for a conservative after '07 - amazing how quickly things can turn around

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