consistent story on most stocks...

  1. 15,276 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    The common denominator across so many threads is the overriding sense of despair...

    Central to which in the vast majority of cases is a sort of blame game against management.

    Throw a dart at all the topical, popular or previous "darlings" of the market and invariably the story is more or less the same.

    The obvious conclusion is that the entire spec end of the market is being run by crooks, who care little for their shareholders, or their share price, or their projects...and simply fill in their day inventing new ways to fleece shareholders on the back of a falling share price.

    Pick a popular stock...any popular stock...then read a few threads.

    Then pick another one of the popular stocks a read a few more.

    If you really want to make a comprehensive assessment, cover all the stocks in the "most posted" list in the HC menu, reading at least 3 or 4 of the heavily posted threads.

    It will become very quickly obvious to most that the message being conveyed...and th accusations thrown at management...are more or less identical for each.

    A remarkable coincidence...or just the same basic manipulative mind games we see in all periods of softness?

    So...are all these companies corrupt, with management out to rip off shareholders...or they all simply suffering from the same wider market influences?

    Of my stocks...the best and most undervalued propositions are more or less performing just the same as the more risk rated, less than well managed "punts".

    Must be management...right?


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