Under the fumes of various Naopleons, Remy Martins, and St....

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Under the fumes of various Naopleons, Remy Martins, and St. Agnes's, and the rigours of a Christmas whisky or three, I came to ponder:-

    a/ Australia has 22 millions of us.

    b/ Indonesia has 300 millions, predominantly Muslim. Biggest Muslim population on earth.

    c/ China has a billion or so - Communist, supposedly - and hungry for land and resources. Image the sixe of their army against ours.

    d/ Middle East - predominantly Muslim.

    e/ Europe - fast becoming predominantly Muslim by osmosis and relentless illegal immigration. "Fast" in terms of this coming to a head late this century, if it keeps going as it is now, when none of us will be here.

    f/ Australia - very slowly being "infiltrated" by their strength of will by wealthy, comparatively well off boat riding immigrants, risking their families' lives, jumping queques and thereby taking precedence over poor genuine innocents of various nationalities and religious persuasions, whose claims ARE genuine and who are rotting away in a sea of hopelessness in various refugee camps overseas. They neither have the money, the connections, or the knowledge, to use (rort?) the systems.

    If one of more of the above burgeoning civilizations wanted us and our land - they could take us tomorrow. And I haven't mentioned India.

    Muslim Schools and mosques are now on the increase in Australia. The media seem to fall all over themselves to be politically correct - defending the women's hijab, and
    now deleting our celebrations or watering them down so as not to offend.

    Captain Cook was made a carictature - a figure of laughter and scorn - during the Sydney Olympic Games Opening Ceremony - and at the closing ceremony, Peter Garrett was allowed to wear a T Shirt with a statement ridiculing John Howard. Perhaps the greatest of all navigators, and but for him we may have been Dutch, Portugese, Spanish, Chinese, Indian, Malay - who knows?

    Our aboriginal community call the landing of the First Fleet "Invasion Day". What do THEY think of these boat arrivals - and the cushy treatment these people are now receiving? Our schoolkids are not being taught
    a balanced view of history.

    I put it to you that we now have MANY "invasion days" - 200 boats already this year, which is not yet ended. Sadly, some of these navigational efforts end tragically, as they also did in the old days of the Great Explorations, when people thought they were to fall off the edge of the world, and sailed into unknwon waters.

    We are told Islam is a religion. But no, it now transcends nationalities. It is a political movement - an entrenched ideology, and many of its adherents are brainwashed radicals willing to go to war and do anything to ensure it's advancement worldwide. We are told the aim of it;s radicals is to conquer the world, and impose it's beliefs.

    Do these boat "refugees" (who, under UN rules, are supposed to be taken in by, and settled in, the first country they arrive in, but prefer to cross through many countries to get here) intend to assimilate with our society and live peacefully here. Or are they just part and parcel of a bigger, more organises movement, to install the rule of Islam, and it's dogmatic obsessions, into as many countries as they can, by any means possible.

    I don't see Bhuddists wishing to impose their beiefs on others, or force them down our throats. Not Hindus - or Sihks. Or Shintos. etc.

    Strict Roman Catholics, or Orthodox Jews, also thrive on very strict dogma, and I abbhor dogma in any religion, but their domgas are not forced on us, and we are not told we are inferior, and subsequently, infidels. Not to our faces anyway!

    I would like to see more Government money and thought being put into the support of Australians, regardless of skin color, and a lot less of this bleeding heart PC mentality which is putting it's own citizens more and more on the back burner when it comes to support and services, but most of all, respect for the work we all do in building this nation. Each of us needs, no, deserves, to be listened to. But no one is listening to us, the ordinary citizens.

    Is it suddenly an angelic thing to hop a boat and arrive illegally? Does this make someone suddenly special, to be placed ahead of yet another queque of far more deserving Aussies? Such as our women - who now have to work two jobs (home and career)in order for their familes to survive?
    Whilst Muslim Mums seemt o do well on welfare - behind the excuse of the hijab and long sleeves overcoats in summer?

    I must close this "diatribe" - as the brandy fumes are winning. Food for thought, and only my opinion.

    Long live Australia as we know it. Free, and welcoming.
    But nobody's fool!
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