GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

conspiracy theories

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    For those not familiar with GATA (, you may be interested in a forum post today:


    Hello Friends...

    Yes, this was expected. Not wanted but definitely expected.

    As the financial world falls apart the #1 monetary asset in the world must be brought under control by the "USSA".

    Remember the 3 Gold Camps:

    1) Western Camp: Gold is Jewelry
    2) Eastern Camp: Gold is a Store of Value

    and the most important...

    3) Central Bank Camp: Gold is MONEY

    Right after the largest emergency bailout in US history and a huge drop in interest rates GOLD IS SLAMMED.


    1) It wasn't the Western Camp because they haven't melted their wedding rings and bracelets down in mass quantities.
    2) It wasn't the Eastern Camp because they don't sell their "stores of value" but they do buy on dips

    3) Now, could it have been it the Central Bank Camp?....YOU BETCHA!

    Central bankers saw the entire financial system falling apart and "spared no expense" shorting and dumping paper and physical gold to break the back of the "Gold Financial Barometer" ....did it work?

    No...just delayed the inevitable. Gold and Silver are traded on a computer program invented by Alan Greenspan but taken over by the banking establishment. They rig the system by buying and selling to eachother steering the price where ever "they" want it to gold gets slammed lower, other "black box" computer trading models get "stop-lossed" out of their positions precipitating the fall. As gold falls through the floor the market riggers can cover some of their short positions and the game start again with them shorting into the next rise.

    How long will it last? I don't know but every time they orchestrate these slams they use more and more of their available physical inventory.

    How much stress in the system can be judged by how hard they hit gold.

    Since gold went from $999 to $939 ($60) in a matter of a few hours I would venture to guess there was "A LOT OF STRESS" in the financial markets.

    So where are we?

    Well, consider this slam a gift for those of you who didn't load up on physical bullion. Now you can. Don't try to "buy the bottom" or you will be left out again.

    All's still well in the bunker!
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