CDU 0.00% 23.5¢ cudeco limited

copper stock, page-92

  1. 378 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 170
    You seem to ignore the fact that the resource estimate is 47Mt of magnetite and you seem to have conveniently rounded that up to 340Mt. Perhaps you need to learn the difference between mineralised material and profitable product. I found the world's 2nd biggest gold deposit's the ocean. In my opinion, the magnetite at Rocklands will not add any profitability to the operation, especially that material which has no tangible Cu-Au credits, i.e. the 328Mt at 14%. Ernest Henry has about 23% magnetite within the Cu-Au ore body and that is evidently not profitable for Xstrata. Crushing, milling and separating and transporting 14% magnetite ore (with no by-product) profitably is laughable at current prices.

    I realise that it's common knowledge that there is NCu at depth at Rocklands. I was asking you why you thought it was a good thing. Can you please explain the benefits of this very deep oxidation?

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