CORONA VIRUS. Is it out of control?, page-4965

  1. 2,669 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 47
    Pray tell what happens when "Host's" are reintroduced to an RNA Virus that has Zero herd immunity Cosmo ?

    Asymptomatic people are the main vector for Covid-19's spread, people are shedding this virus from within 5-7 days before showing symptoms.
    Temperature is not one of the first symptoms, a tickle in the throat and fatigue are, Temperature comes once the Virus has a hold of the patient usually 7-14 days after contracting it.

    You can call me ignorant, Crawl back under my rock.. whatever.

    This is not a bell curve though, it is an exponential rise, it will also have an exponential fall as well... once all those able to be infected are infected.
    This Virus also has 2 current strains S and L and the more it spreads the more likely there will be further mutations, there are already certified examples of people being re-infected with the Wuhan Virus.

    I do note with interest that you have had nothing further to say about China's dodgy numbers with this Virus which was your first strongly worded reply.

    Still interested in those bridges ?
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