Coronavirus melts down stockmarket

  1. 47,363 Posts.
    Plus with hits to tourism, education and commodity prices imo Australia is almost certainly heading for a recession. A bad one.

    This has ramifications for the property market which will take another big dive imo.

    Rba has low rates already so not much left in the tank.

    Plus all the damage caused by drought and fires which hasn't fully played out yet.

    QE on the way?

    Aud will get smashed. Import costs will rise.

    Stagflation here we come imo. With record household debt a lot of Australians are going to get wiped out. A hell of a lot of people don't have any savings to fall back on if they lose their job.

    I'm really worried about what is to come because unless i get sick nothing economically can hurt me personally but imo it's going to hurt Australia badly. Very badly.
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