Coronavirus Spells the End of the Neoliberal Era. What’s Next?, page-5

  1. 10,404 Posts.
    To cut a very complex situation down to manageable chunks here are my thoughts.

    The covid19 virus has changed the social structure of our world. We are now more conscious of connectivity amongst each other. Viruses are now looked at as they should always have been, dangerous to mankind. We have interrupted by human behaviour the natural balance in nature and it's come back to bite us at a very critical time in our evolution.

    Mankind has the talent and ability to evolve ourselves right out of existence and the current situation is only one indication as how this could happen.

    The other evolution is economic with it's roots taken to earth in the early 1800s.

    Max5 on a previous article on that website there was an article very close to my heart. In a rather high brow academic speak it stated what I have been saying for many years on this forum namely that the current economic model we now use to live is terribly flawed and needs to be replaced urgently.

    This model, consumption driven, interest rate controlled, reserve currency dominated, has produced incredible debt. International debt is over $24 trillion, debts between debtor and creditor nations, which equates to about the global GDP. Mostly used to by assets.

    Much of the government debt will gravitate toward Central Banks and I have no idea on other debt valuations but I know it's substantial. If you totalled all debt everywhere and took away all assets associated with that debt the massive nett debit overhang is the result, and caused by, the way we live.

    The world was approaching a showdown with destiny but perhaps 10-20 years out. The covid19 has brought this meeting much sooner.

    And finally, and because of the as above, we will be forced to confront global warming.

    If we had been left to a natural debt explosion and the following economic re education the timing would probably coincided with global warming and a planet with over 10 billion souls.

    Perhaps this virus is a lucky break........ but never underestimate the stupidity, selfishness and greed of mankind. The near future global health, debt and financial crises to come very soon is a one off chance to take a new direction. Let's hope the direction isn't down.

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