Correcting misconceptions, page-510

  1. 385 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 20
    im not using me as an example, im saying that this is what a lot of people are doing.

    I agree with you that theres lots of people abusing the system just like everyone on tik tok who have no mental health issues rorting the government for $1000 flood payment.

    That it wrong. That money is designed for people like me , its not designed for everyone. it was designed to help ppl who suffer.

    The problem you see is that its all our fault, its my fault im mental , it someone elses fault they are a drug addict.

    You wont help these people because you are told that we have free will and we make our own choices.

    This is where you are wrong my friend.

    So whos to blame then? why are you blaming me? and drug addicts?

    for its not them, its the rich controlling everything the governments do, its the rich rorting the poor, even people like you and everyone on this forum.

    For that reason change is coming , crpto will crash , i have a feeling it will be binance but i may be wrong.. what i know is that crypto will crash.

    Mark my words

    Ill use cocaine as an example of how the rich control everything including the government.

    In australia cocaine is around $300, in sri lanka its $50

    thats teh same currecny AUD

    regardless of incomes, its 250 cheaper in sri lanka.

    We have police to stop the drugs to minimise its reach but they can only do so much.

    to stop cocaine u need to make ppl not want it , cut out the demand..

    ive lost 2 million gambling in my life time a lot to offshore companies using crypto to let me deposit.

    now im so angry on these gambling companies stealing millions from us hard working australian i want them to go bankrupt!

    so they cant hurt me, they cant hurt u and ur family.

    so as i said the pen is mightier than the sword. no need to go after etc. bankrupt the system thats allowing them to cheat and steal from us.

    thats why crypto will crash, i dont know how or when, but i tell you this now it will happen.

    and then more and more things will happen , no one will want drugs.

    everything will fall

    just as we were promised by whoever u want to belivev, god, robots, who cares,, theres one creator of this world.

    The poorest half of the global population owns just 2% of the global total, while the richest 10% own 76% of all wealth

    top 10% own 76% of the global wealth Thats insane!

    the rich will think they can stop the 90% but they just have money.. money is worthless.

    they have assets though, thats worth value.

    So watch what happens with 7 billion people join forces . no matter how much money the rich have its worthless, just a piece of paper.

    they wont use violence, the rich will be too overpowered and will be stripped of everything.

    But us poor people dont want violence, for we know we are all children of god.

    We will all sit down together and have the biggest feast know to man.

    That is and always has been our creators vision, he was just playing a game having fun a long the way.

    A to B its simple , who cares about whats inbetween that. the fact is u start at A and end at B

    ill give an example.

    you have to get to the city by 10 am. in one hour

    you can chose to take the toll ways and pay money and get there at 9:50am

    and think you are so smart you saved time, but it cost u money. you didnt need to get there until 10am why waste money

    or you could take the long way and no tolls and get there at 10am

    A - need to get to city by 10am

    B - arrive to city by 10am

    what u did inbetween doesnt matter u got to the city at 10am..

    why complicate things,

    Thats what people have done

    There we given a list of rules to follow on the earth and the created complications.

    im just letting you know that everything ive been writing is flowing to me as i keep typing. also like free writing.

    so now ive been told why crypto will crash, but maybe bitcoin will stay.

    Because its purpose was A- cut out the banks and to send money B someone receives the money.

    all these other alt coins are just waste of space in between A and B.

    who cares if binance is cheaper and faster!

    time is an illusion we associate it to a clock

    when you dont have to worry about time who cares if it takes 30 mins on bitcoin and costs $4 instead of 1 minute and 20 cents

    The other person still gets the money.

    ive said enough ill say one thing, pls dont attack or judge me, just read what i say, if you have something nice to say then do so, but if you have negative things to say pls dont reply , keep them to yourselves.

    for you are my brother i only want whats best for you just like you want whats best for me

    have a good day im going to have some lunch

    Last edited by HighRiskvHighReward: 02/08/22
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