Chronological list of popes 1st millennium 1st century...

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    Chronological list of popes

    1st millennium

    1st century

    {caption}Popes of the 1st century{/caption}
    1 Pontiffnumber Pontificate Name: English· Latin Date and Place of birth Age at start/end of papacy Notes
    2 1 30–33 / 64–68 St PeterPETRVS AD 1 Bethsaida, Galilea, Roman Empire[birth 1] 29–32 / 62–67 Born Jewish. First pope. Apostle of Jesus. According to Catholic tradition he received the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 16:18–19). Feast day (Feast of Saints Peter and Paul) 29 June. The Catholic Church recognizes him as the first Bishop of Rome appointed by Christ. Also revered as saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 29 June.[4] St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City is named after him.
    3 2 64–68 / 76–79 St LinusLINVS 10 AD Volterrae, Italia, Roman Empire[birth 2] 54–58 / 66–69 First Roman pope.[5] Feast day 23 September. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 7 June.
    4 3 76–79 / 88–91 St Anacletus(Cletus)ANACLETVS (CLETVS) 25 AD Athenae, Achaea, Roman Empire[birth 3] 51–54 / 63–66 First Greek pope. Feast day 26 April. Once erroneously split into Cletus and Anacletus.[6]
    5 4 26 April 88 –23 November 99(11 years, 211 days) St Clement ICLEMENS c. 35 AD Roma, Italy, Roman Empire[birth 4] 53 / 64 (†66) Roman. Feast day 23 November. Issued 1 Clement which is said to be the basis of apostolic authority for the clergy. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 25 November. He was martyred by being tied to an anchor and being thrown in the sea.
    6 5 23 November 99 –27 October 105(5 years, 338 days) St EvaristusEVARISTVS c. 30 AD Bethlehem, Iudaea, Roman Empire[birth 5] 69 / 75 Hellenized Jew. Said to have divided Rome into parishes, assigning a priest to each. Feast day of 26 October.
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