CBA commonwealth bank of australia.

Looking for resistance on the chart in the current correction, I...

  1. 2,337 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 412
    Looking for resistance on the chart in the current correction, I have calculated that $137.03 is the 38.2% rebound from what may very well be the 4th wave of A. I interpret the 3rd wave as being $145.00 to $132.10 ($12.90).

    If I am correct in the wave count to date then I would assume a 5th wave, which is often 38.2% of the entire 5 waves, is likely to end at $128.85.

    Projecting further, a five-wave sequence should confirm that it is the A wave of the correction. At this point in time, a B wave could be estimated as being 61.8% of the A wave ($145.24 - $128.85 or $16.39 in total) which would mean a target of $138.98.

    Estimating even further in time, purely as a road map, the C wave could be equal to the A wave which would make the bottom of the correction $138.98 - $16.39 = $122.59.

    The above is simply an estimated calculation of what could possibly occur. I now have a final target of $122.59 which can be adjusted as the waves unfold. At least it should give you some idea of what to expect instead of complete guesswork.
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