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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 313

    Julia and Nicola.........Before they censor us with the new communist tactics about FREEDOM of speech.

    WHEN Julia Gillard,
    Slater and Gordon and the AWU each went their separate ways,
    who took over the AWU's legal interests for its new law firm Maurice Blackburn.?
    Nicola Roxon.

    Who is a former National Secretary of the AWU?

    Bill Shorten.

    Who had an extra marital affair with Nicola Roxon?

    Bill Shorten.

    Who backed Gillard's assassination of Rudd?

    Bill Shorten.

    Who said she would refuse to serve in a Rudd cabinet?

    Nicola Roxon.

    Who was deposed as Attorney General after trying to investigate the AWU scandal.

    Robert McClelland.

    Who replaced him?
    Nicola Roxon.

    Who has stated she is satisfied Gillard has done no wrong?

    Nicola Roxon.

    Is that not all very cosy! A right little political m?nage a trois.
    But there's more.
    What do Gillard and Roxon have in common?

    Both are former solicitors. Both worked on the AWU slush fund debacle, but deny any wrongdoing [?] .
    Both had affairs with married officials of the AWU.
    Both are senior members of this Government.
    Both have had affairs with married Ministers of this government
    [ Gillard had a torrid affair with Craig Emerson
    - whilst he was ' happily ' married ].
    Both belong to Emily's list.
    Both entered Parliament in 1998.
    Both have highly questionable moral standards.
    You wouldn't believe daylight out either of them.

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