As a follow up to the above post, earlier this month the Central Bank of Yemen Governor Mohammed Zemmam put out several posts regarding the Yemen budget - delayed until February. Below is his comment on revenues and I note his interest in a "breakthrough in oil-producing areas".
However, the way these translations work I do not know if the post below, records his thoughts on security strengthening or new exporters starting (in which case I'm sure PSA will put their hand up!)
@mohamed_zemamبحسب الظروف التي تمر بها اليمن فالحديث الآن على جزء من الايرادات سوء كانت الإيرادات السيادية تأتي من مصدرين [النفط-الغاز] وهي متأثره بالحاله الأمنية ونتوقع ان يكون هناك أنفراج في المناطق المنتجة للنفط.
Translated from Arabic by Microsoft
According to the circumstances that Yemen is going through, talking about part of the revenue is bad. Sovereign revenues came from two [oil-gas] exporters and are affected by the security situation and we expect a breakthrough in oil-producing areas.
12:42 AM - 11 Jan 2019