"I'm stuffed, why is it so good to export our Uranium to Russia...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    "I'm stuffed, why is it so good to export our Uranium to Russia to make their electricity cheaper and eco friendly and yet we can't use our own mineral here to do the same thing ?"

    Socialist dictators always stand together and do as instructed by the more powerful dictator, in this case Putin's puppet.

    If Putin has ordered gillard to supply uranium to the socialist mother-land, then gillard will of course do as ordered for the benefit of the mother-land.

    What choice does she have after all.

    As for gillard's astounding hypocrisy where she consigns Australians to be enslaved by an energy-rationed and energy-poor future where we hope and pray each day that the wind will blow enough that day in the place where we have our windmills, and that the sun will shine brightly enough on the Chinese-build solar panels and the panels are not dirty or dusty...

    The Chinese and Russians are embracing the nuclear future free from the greenie insanity that has infected the western economies.

    It doesnt take a genius to understand that a necessity for all properity is easy access to cheap and plentiful energy.

    It is just as likely these socialists/communists are using the greenie-useful-idiots in the west to block all sensible development in the western economies by restricting energy generation to unreliable and expensive unworkable "solutions". The same seems to apply to water resources.

    As every good socialist knows, if you cant compete with your oponnents the next best thing is to cripple or kill them somehow so you dont have to compete, just dominate.

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