yes - the Labor Party always wheels out the personal attack ammo...

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    yes - the Labor Party always wheels out the personal attack ammo -

    So the nasty knives on here are into Downer now!

    Alexander Downer is one hell of a charming and natural guy -( know from direct anecdotals from people who know him well in Adelaide socially) - and he's a brilliant Foreign Minister!

    But you don't allow that!!

    Yes, assassinate his character - call him rotten. Why not! Anyone remotely right of left - let's give it to em. Theyr'e all animals!!

    Or would you prefer Peter Garrett to have to job - and bumble around the world making us a laughing stock!

    This forum is descending into a "we hate John Howard and love Kevin Rudd" post agenda fest - from the same old same old nics.

    So I have to make better use of my time - so am saying ta ta. Remember:-

    Cream always comes to the top.

    (well - almost always - let's hope it's not sour cream instead.)

    And if its Rudd - I wonder how all you lefties will be faring at the same time next year. All Labor Goverment monopoly-??? And Swann with the pursestrings? And Gillard droning on...and on......and on....and on.
    And Kevin Rudd, believe me, will be a different character once he gets in - if he gets in!
    Gone will be the smarm - and the "I'm a very nice guy aren't I" forced grin (see - I'm doing one of your posts now - in reverse!)

    The needle's got stuck in the groove with the army of agenda posters now absolutely monopolising this forum.

    If it ain't broke why fix it??

    But it has been a great opportunity for free speech HC!!
    "You must learn to be still in the midst of activity, and to be vibrantly alive in repose."
    - Indira Ghandi -

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