costello just slaughtered, page-4

  1. 36,517 Posts.
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    "And through all this, Australia is suffering. And will suffer again, under Rudd. From dreadful boredom - if nothing else. God he's boring!!"

    you have said it so beautifully : "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Rudd and his team are refreshing, intelligent, have a plan for the futire of Australia. Howard and team are out of touch, tricky (not my word, that of Stone). In today's Australian, there is a front page report headlined "PM makes Costello disappear". Apparently Howard has delected all references to Costello in a personal letter to voters in his seat, whereas coalition MPs around the country refer to "the Howard-Costello team" in their mailouts.

    what do we make of that ? tensions rising again betweem Howard and Costello ? or, is Costello on the nose ?

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