costello just slaughtered, page-41

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    who DO the aboriginal people like??

    Some are permanent and professional girzzlers. Yet many are emerging as community leaders of strength and vision - and see that the way ahead is to move ahead into the future, not spend time mulling over the past, which for all of us can never be changed or erased.

    All of us on this planet - and we ARE really World Citizens in this day and age - whether black, white, brown, yellow, red, or brindle (the blood's the same color) have to summon immense courage to front up to the enormous changes now facing humanity.

    We are each only grains of sand on the beach in the vast scheme of things. We are all in Australia by virtue of geographical accident. Our parents happened to live here on the world map. It is said the indigenous race migrated down from the north.

    People come - people go.
    Ccivilisations come - and they go.
    Some of them wonderful -magnficent.
    Sadly so many great and thriving cultures lost forever, or just dim memories in history books.
    This is the way of things. And yes its terribly sad and tragic.

    We dread the changes in our own lives which are inevitable as time passes. Loss of a partner - loss of a parent - loss of a child - the need to move - all of us at some time have to face some sort of sorrow or upheaval.

    And yes - if we are all honest we can admit that in many ways we are frightened - frightened of change, firghtened of new ideas, climate change - drought - flood - the very world around us seems theatening.TO say nothing of the universe.
    And life is tougher in many ways, for all of us, as we are not living the parochial and enclosed lives of our forbears, and we see so much hate and poverty and violence in the world.

    But we must move on in our lives! We can stand with our backs to the future and mull over what might have been - and drown in its negativity and past sorrows - and our loss of culture - or we can turn, and face the future - with as much courage and hope that we can muster.

    We must move forward. And stand together and help each other. But at the same time, we have to have the will and the courage to help ourselves too!

    Sure some have it a hell of a lot tougher than others more privileged. And it IS the duty of the more privileged to extend a helping hand (instead of so much selfish and ugly materialism which seems to rule us all at present - feathering our own nests at all costs, and
    never looking sideways or giving a d++mn for others. )

    History is always bitter sweet - with it's "winners" and it's "losers." And we always hear more about the winners THAN the losers in the history books.

    But we must all get on with it. You are dredging up some old news re. Howard in 1988. This is not the way to go. But this is what some in the aboriginal community still seem to want to do. Keep looking backwards.
    Look forward! Cast aside the bitterness.
    For we all have some bitterness in our lives over past wrongs that have been done to us - big - or small.

    This is the 21st century.

    We, too, the whites, mourn the loss of many of our old cultural traditions which are being quickly eroded and forgotten. Kids are not even been taught white settlement history in schools. I know kids who hardly know who Captain Cook was. Do we have to be so ashamed??

    We are all Australians. Love each other and get on with it is the way to go.

    If the government is moving in the a stricter direction and supporting and empowering the aboriginal communites and enabling strong leaders to emerge and look to the future and get on with it - then we are all on the right track. Education and infrastructure is the way to go.
    And social support - and eradication of social evils.

    An aboriginal Prime Minister would be a wonderful thing.
    Bet he's (or she's) out there somewhere - being given a chance!

    Now THAT would be a geat day!

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