costello needs to help rudd and swan, page-18

  1. 3,648 Posts.
    You guys would have to be brain dead to not realize that today's problems cannot be solved by any single person in this country. A concerted effort by all the major countries in the world is required and that is probably not going to happen anytime soon.

    The PM does not have any/all the answers, even his best advisers are unsure of what to do - hell, ask a hundred economists and you will get a hundred different answers, or worse the same answer but a hundred different ways of achieving the solution - same thing.

    So, get the hell off the PM's back!

    BTW, MT can't help the situation and his grandstanding is not helping too. He is not in power and there is no way that KR will be asking his opinion - KR already has the opinion of who knows how many advisers - the same basic ppl MT turns to. Its a political stunt, as MT knows that no matter what happens, the PM will wear it and probably lose the next election because of it.

    PS: This is shades of John Kerr - MT will say that the PM/Gov cannot handle the economy and should be booted out, where in fact, he could do any better - just claims he can.
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