Costello's Ch9 just declared war on Albanese's new government, page-143

  1. 478 Posts.
    Hardly accurate. The following article elegantly sums the demise of Morrison and the LNP. There are many more transgressions and improprieties that contributed, but at the end of the day, Australians just had enough of condescension devoid of representation.

    Stoking fear and hatred held the Coalition in power – finally Australia had enough

    " ... And all the way back to Howard, Coalition leaders have never understood – or never cared – that appealing to fear and prejudice means more than clever political positioning. You don’t just take your party down there. You take the country. ...

    ... Morrison’s talents were few. He was the man at the front door with a suitcase of brushes. Defying Australia took more skills than he possessed. But assisted by the best technical minds in the election business, he gave it a splendid go. ...

    ... The great political hiatus of the last decade was only possible while decent conservatives held their breath and kept voting Liberal. All the way back to Menzies, the party has snubbed progressives in its own ranks knowing that, come what may, the great class divide in Australia would keep them voting Liberal. ...

    ... Talk of earthquakes and historic moments isn’t out of place. The election result is big. For the first time in a long time, our politics is not such a stranger to the nation. The logjam blocking change since Abbott may be shifting at last. ...

    ... The irony is, it took the destruction of the progressive wing of the Liberal party to bring home to the party what thoughtful advisers might have been warning for a long time: we can use all the tricks in the political playbook to hold out for years against the wishes of the country, but it will leave the party on the nose. ...
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