Immigration to a Western nation should be mostly Western, that...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    Immigration to a Western nation should be mostly Western, that is compatible in the spheres of race, culture, religion and values.

    For several decades now this basic blueprint - meaning the basic test of compatibility in race , religion , culture and values - has been ignored and wilfully abandoned and we have seen the entrance into our country of vast amounts of Rubbish.

    It has been and is all to Our Detriment.

    Now and before now indeed we see and have seen the ills and ravages of mass non - Western immigration.

    They are many and they are evident: crime waves, rorting and cheating of our labour and immigration and various taxation and other laws, rampant money - laundering and loan -sharking which surround our nation's casinos so beloved of Chinese, gun crime, massive welfare dependence ( welfare for which of course these unwanted and inflicted ( upon us ) foreigners have never paid for, the invasion of our public selective schools ( again not paid for by those who seek to use and drain them ) , proxy property - buying by deception, franchise fraud, meddling and spying and of course Terrorism.

    All of these ills come from large -scale non - White immigration.

    Multiculturalism is Toxic.

    It is nothing less than a Massive Act of Fraud and Abuse perpetrated upon the People of Australia and similarly every other Western nation.

    The Ravages of mass non - Western immigration are quite literally appalling and in every way degrading, debilitating and destructive.

    The Ills of mass non- Western immigration are Evident. It is time for this Nightmare to End.
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