Small correction. The Chinese do not see themselves as a race....

  1. 1,035 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 17
    Small correction. The Chinese do not see themselves as a race. China is made up of 56 ethnic groups, a fact which is recognised by the Chinese government. When we think of the Chinese, we think of the han, which makes up 90+% of China and controls the wealth and the political power in China. They have all of the rights in China, and if you are not han, you are screwed. It’s harder to get into uni, harder to get employment and there’s no chance of your culture or language being recognised at all. If you are Tibetan or from the west, the government gives financial incentives for the han to move in in numbers to stifle any voice your people may have otherwise have had. They are given all the local business and can literally get away with murder. Locals in the west of China were even forbidden from watching the 2008 Olympic torch relay from the windows of their own homes, on fear of being shot for being a terrorist. No justice is given to these people.
    Yet us australians are racist? It’s time for people in this country to open their eyes. No one cries racism in most countries, not because it doesn’t exist. Merely because it doesn’t matter. If we are weak, these are the powers that will eventually rule here. Personally, I don’t give a rats what colour a person’s skin is. Immigration will continue, and so be it if it is in a form that benefits us and those coming in. But how about instead of letting in corrupt people with no morals just because they prop up the economy and make the government look competent, we bring in hard working people who will move the country and all of our people, indigenous or otherwise, forward? Einstein was an immigrant. Surely we could use more people of that ilk. Perhaps fewer of the likes that smash in cop cars, employ cheap labour illegally, live off government benefits and throw rubbish everywhere might benefit us all, regardless of skin colour.
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