could this be tony's missing grand vision?

  1. xtx
    37 Posts.
    Tony Abbott will need a grand vision if wants to lead this country after the inevitable double disillusion election thats coming. Tony can make a real change for the better of Australia while driving a wedge into an already divided and wounded political left.
    Maybe Tony could see a better future for Australia using Nuclear Energy.
    Queensland has abundant uranium and has the necessary water required for Nuclear power stations, the copious by-product heavy water from Coal Seam Gas production could be cleaned up with nuclear energy and released into the river systems solving the problem of what to do with this near toxic water, the often parched river systems would become drought proof, the black soil planes along these water ways would be opened to a massive expansion in agriculture increasing food production security, to benefit of the regional rural economy. The river systems would be transformed into an environmental master pieces, no longer at the mercy of the unpredictable climate and Australias greenhouse gas emissions could actually fall, all without putting a price on carbon and the inflationary effect it would have.
    Nuclear power can cleanly generate the energy required to value add our vast deposits of minerals within Australia, these industries would be regulated to the world best environmental and safety standards, the products we export would directly compete with China, except ours would be far more environmentally friendly. We would not be reliant on Coal based power generation, Australia could choose our coal customers more carefully, and assured that it will be used efficiently and having at our control the supply of raw materials that feed our export competitors, insuring that our new industries remain profitable well into the future. Some of our vast coal reserves, particularly where its beneath good farm land, could be preserved for a while, should peek oil prove real, our coal reserves can be converted to a liquid fuel until a better alternative is developed for its many vital uses.
    The expertise of the mining industry would be needed for the transition to nuclear energy, Universities could be built to feed the essential skills needed and keep Australia at the cutting edge of technology, and these campuses could be in partnership with the new industries. The tax base would soon grow; giving the government the funds for a sharper and stronger defence force while having generous social and humanitarian policies. A whole new modern well planned metropolis could be located near Atherton, relieving the population pressure on our existing cities. Peter Bettie could use his wealth of media charm to promote his home land; in the mean time Bob Hawke could ease the unions concerns over nuclear energy.
    The British and our friendly allies may offer their best technology including some of their brightest people to help with the enormous task ahead.
    The NIMBY problem should not be an issue; transport of nuclear waste material can be done inland away from urban populations. Strategically the nuclear power stations would be safer located well away from the coastline and people. Australia may even be responsible and moral enough to cash in on safely disposing or reprocessing foreign nuclear waste, this alone could fund his entire grand vision into reality, but that might be stretching it, Tony can solve a real global problem latter.
    Tony Abbott may just have a chance of getting a mandate from the Australian people for this but does this action man have the courage to take on what would most probably be political suicide?
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