Beyond an online forum , anyone interested in making contact outside of HC to ensure our NO votes are put forward ? Any suggestions /ideas on the most effective method ??
I am very very long on KDR , a further 5 years minimum. Ten year investment but I have been in since 8c days .
let’s give these following some thought
tenements yet to be explored - let’s not forget why we have WSA in the top 20 gold rights pending DFS off takes with industry leaders ( Tesla is shaky but media drumming it out Loud) please feel free to add to the above
in a nutshell , considering the many unknown factors present, why is WES making it out like they are doing us a favor?? Imho. Hold tight guys. Increased offer(s) required to get the TO over the line. IMHO.
KDR Price at posting:
$1.90 Sentiment: Hold Disclosure: Held