Yes folks - 22 days countdown to go!And it seems, if we are to...

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    Yes folks - 22 days countdown to go!

    And it seems, if we are to believe the polls, that the Australian public are about to be stupid enough to throw out a perfectly good government and replace it with a very mediocre one - led by someone who, in my opinion, is neither up to the job, nor deserving of it, based on his track record and limited national parliamentary experience to date.

    Which does not include any well establihsed senior experience across the majority of the areas a Prime Minister has to deal with daily!!

    In addition, whilst other countries are getting rid of their Socialist governments (FRANCE the most recent example) we are now going to install one, it seems - and will have a FAR LEFT SOCIALIST deputy prime minister in Gillard - and a "me too", seemingly compliant prime minister in Rudd - whose behaviour, attitudes, and demeanour, believe me, will change dramatically from day one of his new tenure! And whose behaviour and demeanour I do not think is up to scratch when it comes to the qualities we should be demanding of our national leader. (Getting drunk in a strip joint and conveniently forgetting the experience as an instance.)

    Because we are NOT seeing the real Rudd. Perhaps no-one knows what the real Rudd will look like - until he;s installed in the job. And then the pennies will drop! But too late.

    In addition, the WHOLE of this country will be Labor ruled! Yes, no checks and balances - just a wall to wall Labor Politicians' Paradise!

    Imagine that! Federal and the States colluding on everything we can possible think of. Open slather there to do what they like - with regard to EVERYTHING!

    And there won't be a d===n thing we can do about it for the next four years.

    Now this scenario gives me the utter shakes!! The States are so badly run as it is now! (Hospitals!)Imagine the open slather situation - boy - these pollies will be like pigs in mud - and will do whatever they like - believe me!!

    I cannot believe the apathy and, yes, even stupidity of the general public. ARE they that stupid?? Where is the fire in the belly of people who seem hell bent on settling for second best for this country?

    The incumbents are in no way perfect - I am not as stupid or naive as to claim that!
    But I see them as hard working and, across the board, genuine in their forward thinking and innovative views for the betterment of Australia and it's standing in the view of the International Community. And we have decent people already in situ to represent us. Our fincnaila situation at presnet has stood up strongly as a shining light in comparison to other countries' financial woes. And people want to throw all this out for something untried and unknown?? Wayne Swann as Treasurer for instance???

    Unlike the Labor Party, at least they are not answerable to Union thugs and the Left Wing Media Party, which, to a large extent, DOES actually control the political scene in Australia via blatant political bias and manipulation inherent in the majority of its' journalists and commentators.. (The worm being a good example!)l

    But to throw them out and replace them with these "talking heads" (Gillard - so loose with the truth is she!) and this 'me-too' - I will get in at any cost' mediocre prime ministerial candidate, is madness imo. People who are so far from perfect as to be downright dangerous for our future outlook - local and world-wide -(for what is the true Labor position re. world wide terrorism and the fight against it for one thing??)
    It is, to my mind, sheer lunacy!!

    What is it with Australia? Are people not thinking - or what??

    I think most of us are getting brain-washed by the TV box - we sit there mesmerised with banality and are not thinking any more!! And we are believing everything we're told by heavily biased commentators who are blatantly barracking heavily for THEIR team!
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