they should have had the guts to tip out Howard earlier, now the...

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    they should have had the guts to tip out Howard earlier, now the electorate will do it for them. Interesting times ahead chuck!


    Subject: electoral loss will mean death of liberal party
    Posted: 19/01/07 09:54 Hotcopper Radio: N/A
    Posted By: Alan Partridge Views: 36
    Post #: 316509 (Start of thread) Sentiment: Buy
    IP: Voluntary Disclosure: Stock Held
    interesting theory, there is no doubt that apart from Federally, the Libs are a complete rabble


    By Norman Abjorensen
    January 19, 2007

    In a few weeks the Liberal Party will raise its collective glasses in celebration of 11 years in office at the national level, but it might well be the last celebration: the party, in both senses, could soon be over.

    It is by no means inconceivable that the party that under John Howard has so dominated the political stage for more than a decade and through four election wins could simply fall apart in the event of a loss at this year's federal election.

    How could this happen? Just as the former Soviet Union simply collapsed because there was nothing holding it together, so too will the Liberal Party if it loses the only asset it has - federal office. The party, as a whole, is in a parlous state; the state branches are weak and demoralised, and true power resides in the federal secretariat in Canberra and the Prime Minister's office.

    Just how impotent the Liberals are outside the federal scene will be demonstrated in March when the most incompetent and accident-prone Government in the country, Morris Iemma's Labor Government in NSW, will be returned, albeit with a majority somewhat less than its present 17 seats. Government appears not to be in the sights of the NSW Liberals, now controlled by a hard right-wing element whose main concern appears to be a moral crusade against anyone and anything remotely liberal.

    Elsewhere, the Liberals in Western Australia, where another incompetent and possibly corrupt Labor Government rules, are a divided and squabbling rabble; in Victoria they are still licking their wounds from last year's thumping defeat; in South Australia and Tasmania they are irrelevant, and in Queensland, invisible as well as irrelevant.

    John Howard has exerted more influence than did Robert Menzies on the Liberal Party as a whole. Whereas Menzies regarded it as a truly federal body with the state branches autonomous, both constitutionally and in practice, Howard has been the great centraliser. For example, all state directors of the party have had to be approved by Howard himself before appointment - the closest thing to a politburo Australia has seen.

    Of course, this has paid off handsomely for Howard. Not only has the possibility of potentially damaging dissent emanating from state branches and prominent party officials been eliminated, the party machine itself has been mobilised to oppose elements within the party, be they MPs or officials, who are regarded as not sufficiently pro-Howard. The well-organised but ultimately unsuccessful campaign against Petro Georgiou last year in Kooyong is a case in point.

    What this has meant in practice is that even though state branches of the party are festering sores of discontent, Howard's forces have been able to impose a tight discipline in the interests of unity. "Don't rock the boat" has become the key mantra.

    Howard of all people knows the price of disunity; it was this that cost him the prime ministership in his first tilt at the 1987 election, and then subsequently the party leadership two years later. Public disunity was electoral death to the party in those days, and Howard learned the lesson well.

    But it has come at a cost. If the Liberals lose this year, they will be out of office in every jurisdiction in the land; holding national office has supplanted all else as the party's fundamental raison d'etre. Once that is taken away, all hell will break loose in the form of years of pent-up dissent, disillusionment and frustration.

    Even the most cursory glance at history shows that non-Labor has not adapted to losses of office. The Nationalists did not survive defeat in 1929 nor did the Liberals' immediate predecessor, the United Australia Party after it lost office in 1941. Had Whitlam's government not self-immolated in 1975 before it was sacked, another electoral defeat for the Liberals would have seen their simmering discontent escalate to schism, even greater than the loss of Don Chipp and his supporters. And, more recently, who can forget the long period of infighting and instability that followed Hawke's victory in 1983, as the wets and the dries did battle?

    Howard has been, by his own admission, the most conservative Liberal leader ever; he has also presided over a party that now openly calls itself conservative (a term, incidentally, discouraged and shunned by Menzies when it was suggested as a name for the new party). The Georgious and the Moylans, who have courageously opposed some of the Government's more extreme measures in regard to immigration detention, will be expected to be vocal, as will the other more timid members who have opted, or been persuaded, so far to hold their tongues; they might even find a modicum of common cause with what remains of the Australian Democrats.

    It is not inconceivable that a realignment of sorts will take place, most probably involving the rise of a new centrist party. Is there, perhaps, a new Don Chipp in the wings biding his or her time?

    A coalition defeat in 2007 will almost certainly herald a major realignment on the non-Labor side of politics, but it is problematic whether the Liberal Party, as now constituted, will survive.

    Dr Norman Abjorensen is at the School of Social Sciences at the ANU. His book on leadership in the Liberal Party will be published in March.

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