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Counter Drone Market, page-6

  1. 445 Posts.
    I think you underestimated the capability of AUDS in stating that it lacks the flexibility and mobility the military and many other customers want. Have a read of the article below.

    As for protocol manipulation, Robi Sen has publicly commented that others have also succeeded in taking control of drones by using radio signals. As per article below.

    Currently, Mesmer has an advantage over AUDS in its ability to deal with a swarm of drones. This speaks well of Mesmer's software sophistication.

    On the other hand, AUDS' 10km tracking range is a significant advantage over Mesmer's 1km range. This is an important factor with the increasing speed at which drones can fly because the longer the range, the more response time is available to the c-uavs. Eg. a Parrot fixed wing drone speeding at 80km/h gives Mesmer only 40 secs to fully neutralise any assessed security threat. So far, this speed is manageable because I recall that Mesmer's response time is about 15-20 secs, which is similar to that of AUDS. I'll try to locate the source of this info again.

    Cheers. R.
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