Bowral, you live in gaga land if you believe all the stuff you...

  1. 6,931 Posts.
    Bowral, you live in gaga land if you believe all the stuff you post. With regard to the Church starting Islam try this rejection of the idea by Muslims:
    Actually from my reading that idea came from Roberto whose hatred knew no bounds but who also, like a few in the US, knew how to make money from religion. Think John Smith and Mormons, Hubbard and Scientology. The land of the free allows you to get rich any way you like and religion is a great way to do it. Roberto did the same and suckered you guys into his game.

    Your accusation about deaths due to Catholicism, as a lot of anti Catholic posters on this site accuse it, are a lot of hogwash. I thought I would just check out actual estimates by people who might be able to give us numbers so I consulted this website:
    The numbers of conflicts in that list is enormous up to the present day so I took out the major non Christian conflicts, from China and other places and made a list. I also took out all those conflicts that could be vaguely called Christian conflicts, particularly those where Catholicism is involved. Millions were killed in Europe during the reformation wars so both Protestants and Catholics were guilty of killing.
    Major non Christian death events were as follows:
    60,669,200-84,589,300 – World War II (1939–1945)
    30,000,000–60,000,000 – Mongol conquests (1206–1324)
    27,000,000 – Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945)
    25,000,000 – Qing dynasty conquest of Ming Dynasty (1616–1662)
    20,000,000 – Taiping Rebellion (1850–1864)
    13,000,000 - An Lushan Rebellion (755–763)
    10,000,000 – Era of Warring States (475 BCE–221 BCE)
    10,000,000 - Red Eyebrows Rebellion (9–24)
    8,000,000–12,000,000 – Dungan revolt (1862–1877)
    7,500,000 – Chinese Civil War (1927–1949)
    7,000,000–20,000,000 – Conquests of Tamerlane (1370–1405)
    5,000,000 - Conquests of Aurangzeb, Muslim India (1681–1707)
    5,000,000–9,000,000 – Russian Civil War and Foreign Intervention (1917–1922)
    3,500,000–6,000,000 – Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815)
    1,000,000 – Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–1598)
    1,000,000 – Second Sudanese Civil War (1983–2005)
    1,000,000 – Panthay Rebellion (1856–1873)
    1,000,000 – Nien Rebellion (1853–1868)
    957,865-1,622,865 – Soviet war in Afghanistan (1979–1989)
    I stopped looking after deaths were mainly less than a million. The Christian list is as follows:
    3,000,000–11,500,000 – Thirty Years' War (1618–1648)
    3,000,000 - Second Northern War (1655–1660)
    3,000,000 - French Wars of Religion (1562–1598)
    3,000,000 - Hundred Years' War (1337–1453)
    2,000,000 - Crusades (1096–1272)
    1,000,000 - Dutch Revolt (1568–1648)
    868,000–1,400,000 – Seven Years' War (1756–1763)
    868,000 – English Civil War (1642–1651)
    2,000,000–4,000,000 – Huguenot Wars (1562-1598)
    200,000–1,000,000 – Albigensian Crusade (1208–1259)
    Some of these wars I am not certain are Christian in nature but they look like it, e.g. second northern war. Note by the way that the Spanish Inquisition does not rate, or at least so I saw no reference but I did scan after deaths became quite small.
    I know these facts will not change your mind because faith is a gift from God, I cannot make you believe. But if you are a believer then leave yourself open to God, challenge him to show you the truth, or to prove my point wrong. No cut and pasting, engage your mind.
    Believe me when I say I wish you no harm only good.

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