snuff,i do believe you when you say you wish me no harmi wish...

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    i do believe you when you say you wish me no harm

    i wish you none either

    just hope one day you may see reason,and not just believe what the roman catholic church has taught you what to think.and one day you learn how to think when it comes to these matters

    the books of daniel and revelation are particularly exact about what the god of heaven,thinks about the god of this worlds church on earth the rcc

    whether its cut and paste,or words of scripture,i claim no claim,whats the point of reinventing the wheel?

    the truth hurts,but its talking about the system of false worship,not the people,just googling alternative views of what i posted dosent make your point of view right

    the evidence does that,not opinion

    the evidence is clear,in history past,if you dared to challenge rome on having a different point of view or religion or opinion than rome when she was in power

    you would do so at your own peril,alot of times you would pay with your life,and not in a humane way

    but by torture, the rack,whipping,chained,the faggot etc for simply not adhering to the religion of the state,and keep the bible from the people because the leaders know full well it shows the system for what it is,the anti christ system of revelation 17

    now how you can justify and even call that church the church of christ is beyond belief imo

    the bible says

    "where the spirit of the lord is,there is liberty"

    where the spirit of the rcc is,there is facism

    its not personal,just fact about the system

    the bible says,come out of her my people

    there are many of gods people in these churches,the bible calls rome the mother and the other churches her harlots

    dont shoot the messenger

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