And what has Gillard achieved since being PM:Offshore processing...

  1. 11,316 Posts.

    And what has Gillard achieved since being PM:

    Offshore processing in East Timor = FAIL
    Citizens ETS initiative = FAIL
    Campaign to date = FAIL
    New Joolya = FAIL (needs to bring back Rudd who as PM =FAIL)

    So true skip,

    They change a failed leader, Rudd to Failed fake Leader,Gillard, to failed Real Gillard, moving backwards to angry failed Leader Rudd again.

    " If you think you are a Leader, look behind, if no one is following, then you are just going for a stroll on your own,"

    They should change their Party name to Clayton.

    You know. A Clayton Government,is when you are not having a Government.

    I truly can't believe that anyone one that has really taken an interest in this Governments lack of performance could actually vote for them.

    Australians Citizens are going to have an I.Q. test on the 21 August.

    This will be interesting.

    Regards ,

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