I'm a passionate WCE supporter and member and I fully support...

  1. 204 Posts.
    I'm a passionate WCE supporter and member and I fully support the club's action in sacking BC.

    I'm reckon the talk of legal action abour BC's contract is just lawyer talk. I'd be very surprised if there were not clear grounds for the sacking and BC won't have a leg to stand on.

    Cousins has caused great damage to a great club. He blackens the names of blokes who made the club great like Worsfold, McKenna, Jakovich, Kemp, Pyke, etc.

    I have objected to many comments in here by others but some of the comments I have heard from WCE fans this weekend are a joke. Cousins is a selfish and indulged jerk who deservedly has run out of chances. Many fans still think he is wonderful. He has dissed his own team mates and but himself before the club time after time.

    He wanted and took all the money but took none of the responsibilty he owed his employer and team mates by behaving appropriately in his private life. A private life which a lot of us in Perth have seen play out in public. He has been seen partaking in bars, venues and toilets (of bars/restaurants) by a number of my associates over the last few years. These instances got more and brazen over the last 18 mths to the point where in Jan/Feb of this year it was ridiculous.

    He consistently broke team rules. It seems to me that he relishes being an outlaw type (like a bikie) and has made a clear choice along these lines by being unrepentant. This is reflected in that lame and laughable tattoo which he chose to display on Tuesday.

    His problems are of his own making and he can deal with the consequences. I don't think he really cares all that much.

    I overcome similar type issues, as did some of my friends, twenty years ago. I lost a good job, among other things, because of it. I didn't get help or expected from my employer. They didn't owe me anything and the WCE owe Cousins nothing now. I got my sh..t together and have successful prosperous life. He can do the same but he can p........ss off from my footy club while he does it.

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