Covid-19, page-193

  1. 6,702 Posts.
    Yeah well, as soon as somebody believes something it doesn't count unless they can convince others to believe it.

    Humans are such a conundrum. I once saw a guy hypnotised and he was told that until he left the room anytime when somebody shook his hand he would bark like a dog.

    I shook his hand and he barked. I said to him, you know you've been hypnotised and told to bark when anybody shakes your hand? He vaguely did. I said to him, try with all your will not to bark when I shake your hand. I shook it and he barked. We did it several times and he could not do a thing about it. He even started to get upset so I encouraged him to leave the room so that it would all be over. He barked like a piss-weak dog, by the way, the guy was big but he barked like a poodle. Not sure what that meant?

    Now this really kind of disturbed me. It still does. My long-winded point is that our minds are so vulnerable to suggestion. Hypnotism is a kind of instant case of brain washing, mind control, the overriding of ones free will on a small scale, but you can see how culture, peer pressure, religious orthodoxy and so many other slow, eroding assaults to ones psyche eventually takes its toll. The real person is whats left, what manages to resist. The real person is what's left when all supposed truth is genuinely investigated with an open mind and brother, that is not easy to do.

    Mob mentality is another version of this and religion tends to be mob mentality. I mean, honestly, 2020 and there are religions still teaching literal Adam and Eve stories, Noah's global flood, literal miracles of Jesus, faith healing, the power of the Holy Spirit knocking over guidable fools.

    So yes, each to their own and respect for the rights of one's belief so long as it's not harmful to others, but we have to be careful because now there is a rise in all sorts of aberrations, fundamental religious, gender issues, etc. We are in the midst of a massive social experiment with "each to their own" and it will be interesting to see how that works out.
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