We 100% know there was never going to be mass deaths, too many...

  1. 368 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 15
    We 100% know there was never going to be mass deaths, too many places around the world did very little and they did not get mass deaths.

    You keep saying it was just unvaxed that kicked up a stink about the measures which is not true.

    You also are saying that unvaxed wanted people to take the risks of novel vaccines? That is completely wrong. The unvaxed simply do not like vaccines, no matter what the experts say.

    In hind sight they were not taking any risks or were they risk to anyone, Covid is a common cold, a vaccine does not work well or if at all for it.

    At best the medical response was simply over the top and at worst it was blinded by the drug company's that wanted to make money. Now I am not actually saying the drug company's knew 100% that they were doing that, but, when money is involved there is a big incentive to look at things very glass half full.

    It was all a very large cost to humans the whole covid story. It was basically all simply to save very old sick people.

    Animals are not anywhere near as stupid as us humans, we basically put everyone in the world through period of time, with measures that were crazy and spent money that is simply so huge, simply to save or try to save sick old people that were already costing us all money. IT WAS TOTAL LUNACY.
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