"Let's say nothing was done and millions die, people want...

  1. 24,921 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    "Let's say nothing was done and millions die, people want someone to blame for the mass of deaths, then they ask why didn't you do something?"

    So instead of doing nothing, we stood up, we refused to accept the death jab and the slave mask, we went to protests and were beaten, falsely arrested and some were shot by government goon squads. Many people, acting out of pure fear and ignorance swallowed the lies and too the injections, in fact the majority did. And what did we get? From completely normal global all cause mortality numbers in 2020 at the height of the fake 'pandemic' to millions and millions and millions of extra deaths and injuries and illnesses after the rollout of the injection. Yes, we know exactly who to blame, the governments who authorised the gain of function research that produced the pathogen and then released it into the wild on purpose. The politicians, those useful idiots who prosecuted this agenda with extreme prejudice and were rewarded by their masters with cushy jobs and knighthoods. Maybe our efforts were in vain, maybe justice will never be served on these criminals but at least doing something and not complying allows me to sleep at night with a clear conscience that I tried to warn anyone who would listen. Maybe you need to ask yourself, what did YOUR compliance and obedience accomplish if it wasn't the very death and injuries that you are complaining about?
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