1. 4,605 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 47
    "Your sick because its working"
    "Your asymptomatic but sick"
    "We need masks and lockdowns
    (as they drunken party in westminster)
    "its just one vaccine"
    "just the most vulnerable"
    "just the over 70s"
    "just the over 60s"
    "Just the over 50s"
    "just the over 40s"
    "just the over 30s"
    "the twenties ought to have it"
    "you cant catch it if your protected"
    "You cant pass it on if your protected"
    "well you can still catch it but you wont be hospitalised"
    "Only a few will be hospitalised"
    "90% effective agianst hospitalisation"
    "80% effective"
    "Its just two shots"
    "not effective at all after a few months without a booster"
    "Its a regular Booster now"
    "we will vaccinate children with it even though they are not at risk"
    "The record number of heart issues are nothing to do with the vaccines, safe and effective"
    "the record turbo cancers are nothing to do with it"
    "It isnt the vaccines"
    "the biblical decline in birthrate is down to the economy - it isnt the vaccines"
    "You cant work"
    "You cant travel"
    "Your dangerous"
    "You cant come in"
    "Well it was your choice to take it?"

    Law abiding peacful people who were blackmailed bullied bribed and threatened into taking a gene therapy posion that is now killing them off.

    This is as they all make a shit ton of money off you all doing it to you.

    How much bullshit will humanity suck up before you say "no more", how many of you will die before you see through it as they actively flood your land with young foreign men of fighting age (hundreds every day) and label you all as right wing extremists if you complain.

    At what point will you see it i wonder and is there anyone left in government, our military and our police force who sees the terrible wrong taking place and wants to be on the right side of history..

    Where are the men of virtue and honour ?

    Where are you in office?

    Where are you ?

    Who is it that pulls the strings that is so fearsome that you are forced to actively kill off your own people and actually do it ?

    Id love to understand what makes men and women tasked with doing good, become so devoid of light and moral compass and courage they are even too cowardly to admit it.

    Weak pathetic evil and too weak to even be honest about it.
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