citizenxParticipantRecent court ruling that the Covid19...

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    Recent court ruling that the Covid19 “Vaccines” are-
    1) not a vaccine, but a therapeutic as it does not stop transmission , nor does it fulfill the definition in action or reality of a traditional historical true vaccine. (much like the new cultural re-defining of trannies and new genders insanity from libtards)

    2) cannot be called a vaccine.

    3) cannot legally be mandated to take as it is a therapeutic, US Regime has no authority to force billions to take aspirin any more than it can force children to be injected with an experimental therapeutic

    Yet they continue to lie about the non-merits of the non-vaccine.

    Quarantine, lockdowns, social distancing – words I’m sure everyone reading never wants to hear again. Even several years removed, the pain inflicted by Covid-19 and subsequent policy reactions is still fresh in our collective consciousness. I wouldn’t blame anyone for wanting to forget the whole thing, and you wouldn’t be the only one. The authoritarians who violated your freedoms in the name of Covid safety would love for those years – and their mistakes – to be forgotten.

    f* that nonsense. Cowards wish to forget.
    I have no interest in forgetting OR forgiving. In fact, grind their f*ing faces into their own feces and the gravel. Etch permanent V’s into their foreheads like Mansons swastika. Yes even the Jews get a swastika carved into their foreheads for becoming Nazis.

    They want you to forget. They want to continue controlling, humiliating, abusing and killing you. Does that sound like fun and something you should forget? Darwin’s asking for evolutionary freedom to express itself not be controlled by retards.

    It is not safe. It was not effective. It was not free.
    Bio-weapon development kills millions, Experimental non-vaccine kills millions. Democrats and Liberals killing millions forcing biological illness, experimental poison injections, war and lies. Now they wish to be the self imposed arbiters of truth ?
    No, f* that, f* them, f* their lies.

    It drives them crazier that they cannot control you. So they try to censure you, silence you, negate you and negate truth. Liberals and democrats abhor truth and loathe you for being honest.

    Does Bourla the Jew CEO of Pfizer have a conscience ?
    Does Bibi, Zelensky, Reich, Zuckerberg, Jews have a conscience ?
    Zionist Jews do not have a conscience, nor Liberals or Democrats.
    Live accordingly.

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