By Rebekah BarnettDystopian Down Under

Death data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals Covid vaccines as underlying cause of more deaths than recognised by the drug safety regulator

In a surprising revelation from Australia’s recent excess mortality inquiry, the nation’s official Covid vaccine death count is 50% higher than the number touted in the press.

To date, Australia’s drug safety regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), has acknowledged only 14 deaths causally linked to the Covid vaccines, despite there being more than 1,000 reported deaths to the Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN).

However, testimony from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to the recent excess mortality inquiry reveals that the ABS officially acknowledges 21 Covid vaccine deaths, seven more than the TGA’s count of 14.

In a public hearing for the inquiry in June of this year, an ABS spokesperson acknowledged 16 deaths where a Covid vaccine was the sole underlying cause of death, and five deaths where the vaccines were an underlying cause of death with a pre-existing condition, for the years 20212022.

The ABS confirmed these figures in an email, clarifying the process for attributing cause of death in its reporting:

“The source of all cause of death data for the ABS is either the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death for doctor certified deaths, or the pathology report or coronial findings for coroner referred deaths (accessed via the National Coronial Information System). This includes deaths which may be caused by the COVID-19 vaccine.”

A spokesperson for the TGA responded by email to my question about the variance between its figures and the ABS, stating,

“The TGA has confirmed that all the COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths included in the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Causes of Death reports are known to the TGA and have been included in the TGA’s safety monitoring. The small difference in numbers is due to differences in how the 2 agencies categorise deaths as being related to a COVID-19 vaccine.”

While this revelation takes the official Covid vaccine death tally in Australia to 21, the official figures fall far short of the probable number of deaths associated with Covid vaccination.

The official Covid vaccine death count does not include Amy Sedgewick, who developed fatal adverse symptoms following vaccination, but whose death certificate states ‘no known cause of death.’

It does not include Caitlin Gotze, whose autopsy showed myocarditis, but whose death was attributed to asthma, despite no medical history of chronic asthma.

Amy Sedgewick, age 24 (left) and Caitlin Gotze, age 23 (right) died after Pfizer Covid vaccination

The official Covid vaccine death count does not include the children and young adults who died of cardiac arrests after Covid vaccination, whose causality assessments the TGA hid from the public disclosure log because “disclosure of the documents could undermine public confidence.”

Read the full story [HERE]