Tau, yesterday you said you were out of here. But here you are...

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    Tau, yesterday you said you were out of here. But here you are back again.
    The time between your previous post and this one, could have been much better spent on ACTUAL RESEARCH.
    Not listening to the ABC news and watching programmes, deliberately made to lead you astray.

    Tbh I am quite shocked that you have been taken in by this wicked plan to depopulate the peasants in favour of the elite.
    We have met on a few occasions in the last 3-4 years. I found you to be an interesting person, very knowledgable and admired your strength.
    I also felt very sorry for your loss of your daughter. Basically you pulled at my heart strings and then slapped me with your very sharp tongue.
    You also treated me with cruelty and contempt, by posting a horrible cartoon on here, of me having a panic attack!

    So we fell out. I was very hurt. But you keep following me around on different threads.
    Making comments to try and entice me back, eg you think I am a really sweet woman. You beg for my forgiveness.
    You dearly hope that we can be friends again etc etc. Now you know very well that I have a very soft heart as I have told you a lot.
    But this is becoming ridiculous. I do not like to be unkind, but like most people, if pushed I can lose my rag.

    Now you are actually insulting the intelligence of people on this thread, who have suffered because unlike you, they have spent endless hours
    looking for the truth. I now have as well. You can crow that you had 6 or 7 jabs and are as fit as a fiddle, well you have had a narrow escape.
    If you made the effort to read many many posts on this thread, you may finally discover that for once in your very long life, that you have made a drastic mistake. You and many who prefer to keep their blinkers on have no bloody idea. Perhaps you are scared to face the truth?
    You are so obstinate. You flatly refuse to possibly consider that you may be wrong.
    I told you, that the last jab which I had in Dec 23 literally knocked me off my feet. I could stand for no more than 1 or 2 minutes, due to the agonising pain in my back, due to awful pain in my legs etc. I resorted to steroid injections.

    What about all the dear children who were jabbed and died during their sleep during the next 24 hours. The huge number of young previously fit sports
    people who dropped down dead? Women who lost their babies. Hundreds of nurses and doctors who lost their lives after being forced to take these poisonous jabs. Of course you know nothing of this as you were fine. Well shame on you Tau, for having such an awful I’m alright Jack attitude.

    I am very disappointed in you, once again. You have alienated so many people on the lounge, that nobody posts there anymore.
    Take a long hard look in the mirror Tau. I was kind to you, we drove a long way twice to visit you, I listened to you on the phone for hours. Now I have reached the end of my tether. If you wish to gain any respect, please dyor on this tragic situation, or no doubt you will be queuing up for the damn monkeypox jab yet and possibly influencing others to do the same.


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