What is most disturbing is that they are 'coming clean' on...

  1. 10,736 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 408
    What is most disturbing is that they are 'coming clean' on legacy media which they know is in dramatic decline and no-one listens to anymore. They are intentionally avoiding main stream that many still do watch and listen to. So in the end they can say well we did tell you the truth just no-one listened.

    Everyone who was injected with the trial therapy should be sent a letter from the government stating what they 'now' know and how it could affect that individual in the future. Needless to say the compensation scheme should be kept open.

    They are even now trying to say that the 'contentious objectors' were NOT cookers, loony's or conspiracy theorists and should be listened to?

    Oh, how the tables have turned.

    So now that the AUTHORITIES are saying this to the greater public the 95% should believe them, because they believed them before.

    Even I'm inclined to listen and believe their admission.
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