An interesting catch-up over lunch with two retired work...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 412
    An interesting catch-up over lunch with two retired work colleagues and a light discussion about covid aftermath. Both on their 7th mRNA injection both with ailments requiring medical supervision and countless tablets a day. Neither were conscious of any of the new findings with regards the trial injections, neither really cared either? I pointed out my utter refusal to take a trial injection both seemed puzzled about my resistance, both would take 8, 9 and 10 boosters if the medical authorities deemed it was in their interests of not getting variant infections.

    There's still a lot of people who just don't really care about how it may affect their health long term and are just happy to comply even though they are of multiple tablets for heart conditions, blood conditions either couldn't see the connection or didn't want to?
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