I'm vaccinated myself, I believe in vaccines I've spent tens of...

  1. 233 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    I'm vaccinated myself, I believe in vaccines I've spent tens of thousands over the years vaccinating my livestock and know their effectiveness. I also firmly believe it's every Australians own choice whether to do so themselves and anyone that actually thinks they can force them too or take away our freedoms for not doing so is heading down a very dangerous path that 'Modern' Australia is not equipped to deal with. The modern Australia you speak of has done nothing you should be proud of and the lack of respect that it shows to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the real Australia does nothing but show their true colours and how deeply pathetic and insecure this Modern Australia is and if they don't realise the errors of their ways they will soon realise they also lack the constitution, skills and character traits to be able to cope with how hard and tough this country really is.

    And Australia has never had a single Rebel in its history we fight for one thing only and ask any nation that has ever had the misfortune to face in battle there is nothing harder to extract from this earth than an Australian that has decided to dig in.
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