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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 202

    Of all the ills in the world, the “Closed Mind” has become the biggest problem for a properly functioning society.

    Strangely enough, the “Build Back Better Mob” have decided to delete their “trump card” which is the large body of closed minds that grovel at their feet, lick their boots, swallow every idiotic narrative and obediently follow every mindless directive.

    Have “competing forces within” this cabal of crooks effected a “Switch-ARoo of Strategy” on the Masterminds at “Club Totalitarian Rule”?

    I’m starting to think that the theory that Dr Steele and others postulated on the Meteorite delivered Virus on 11th October 2019, was a left field event that the Gain of Function Mob and Others decided to run with to rush their Death Potions et al into the public arena.

    The multiple theories of personal tracking, mind control, transhumamism, population control and reduction, social credit systems, asset confiscation world domination et al ......... all seem to clash with effecting a clear goal for each programme, which leads me to think that there are many Cooks attempting to make this Broth.

    Honour amongst thieves has never existed, so a cabal of crooks has a lot of inbuilt problems.

    *Just as an aside I have an old saying that an old fellow I work with as a boy had adulterated (he adulterated most sayings).

    ”Who’s skinning this cat” was the original saying, but my dear old mentor had changed skinning to “F’ing”.

    Anyway, one day I thought I had him on how my way of doing a particular job was the best option.

    After a few words I said “listen, who’s F’ing this Cat” thinking I had the upper hand.............. quick as a flash he responds with “you might be F’ing it, but I’m holding its tail for you”.

    This whole Genocide appears to have many Masters and I’m pretty sure they are all fighting over who gets to hold the tail
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