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    Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer COVID-19 Press Conference Transcript April 29

    Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer COVID-19 Press Conference Transcript April 29
    Rev Blog Transcripts COVID-19 Briefing & Press Conference Transcripts Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer COVID-19 Press Conference Transcript April 29

    Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s April 29, 2021 coronavirus press conference. Read the full transcript of her COVID-19 news briefing speech with updates on vaccine distribution here.


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    Governor Whitmer: (00:00)
    … Director Elizabeth Hertel and Chief Medical Executive Dr. Janae Khaldun. So that we can give you an update on our vaccine rollout and talk about our path out of the pandemic. To date, Michigan has administered 6.7 million doses of the safe, effective COVID-19 vaccines. We will likely hit 7 million this weekend. Nearly one and two Michiganders have received their first shots. And over one in three are fully vaccinated, including two out of three seniors. We have the second most effective FEMA community vaccination site in the US and we are ninth by doses administered. And 96.4% of Michiganders are showing up for their second doses, above the national average. We’ve surpassed 230 million doses nationwide, meeting President Biden’s ambitious goal for his first 100 days in office. These are hopeful numbers. So if you haven’t already, get your shot. Dr. Khaldun will be giving my daughter and me our second doses later today. And I’m really looking forward to my full immunity date, two weeks out on May 13th.

    Governor Whitmer: (01:10)
    The vaccine remains the most effective way to protect you and your family from COVID and help us all return to normal sooner. As we keep ramping up vaccinations, we can all see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s getting brighter, but I want to remind you, we’re still in the tunnel. We have a lot of work to do as we continue rebuilding our economy. Don’t worry. I won’t go overboard on the sports metaphors today. Someone let Stephen Colbert know. Last night, President Biden announced policies he’s pursuing to uplift families, small businesses and communities across the country as we build back better from the pandemic. His agenda so far has centered on three bold proposals. The American Rescue Plan, the American Jobs Plan, the American Families Plan. Each of these will jumpstart our economic recovery by tackling some of the biggest challenges that we face.

    Governor Whitmer: (02:02)
    The American Rescue Pans sent checks to millions of Michigan families, boosted small businesses, invested in schools, and turbocharged our vaccine drive. The American Jobs Plan will create tens of millions of good paying jobs, build up our crumbling roads and bridges, and replace all lead pipes nationwide. And the American Families Plan announced yesterday will offer Americans free community college, institute universal pre-K, and implement a national paid family and medical leave program for all workers. President Biden has proposed paying for these plans by making sure the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share so we can make important investments and job creation, education, childcare, and healthcare. Because Michiganders and Americans aren’t anti wealth or anti-corporation. They’re just anti not paying your fair share. Together, these cornerstones of President Biden’s agenda will improve millions of lives, speed up our recovery, and make lasting change. I’m so grateful to our partner in the White House.

    Governor Whitmer: (03:03)
    Two weeks ago, I stood where we are and we were facing a spike in COVID cases. It was caused by a variety of factors, including highly infectious variance, pandemic fatigue, and increased mobility. Our seven day average was the highest it had been at any point during the last 15 months. We urged all Michiganders to voluntarily double up on their personal efforts to mask up, socially distance, and wash their hands. I also asked people to avoid dining indoors and encourage a two week pause for in-person learning for high schools and school sports and activities. I want to thank all the people that stepped up and did their part by taking this seriously. Thanks to you, our numbers are starting to come down again. Two weeks later, our seven day case, average hospitalizations, and ICU numbers are all coming down.

    Governor Whitmer: (03:52)
    While the daily case count, test positivity, and hospitalization numbers are still not where we want them to be, we’re headed in the right direction. A week ago, I told you I would never stop fighting for more treatments, more tests, more vaccines, anything I can to keep you and your family safe. 12% of all monoclonal antibody treatments nationwide are being administered here in Michigan. We’re saving lives and keeping people out of the hospital. We’ll continue to make progress toward putting this pandemic behind us if we follow basic public health protocols and get vaccinated. First let’s chart our path out of the pandemic with some top- line metrics. There are approximately 8 million Michiganders 16 and up. Our goal remains equitably vaccinating 70% of this group, which would be roughly 5.67 million people. So far just over 4 million have gotten their first shots. That’s great. Now that 4.29 million are fully vaccinated, meaning they are two weeks out from their second shots of Pfizer or Moderna or from the single shot of J&J.

    Governor Whitmer: (04:57)
    Now I want to introduce the my vac to normal challenge. Yes. Vac to normal, which is our plan to reach vaccination goal and emerge from this pandemic. Let’s walk through the steps, so we can take a look and see the metrics that we need to hit to get Michigan back to normal and have the summer we all crave.

    Governor Whitmer: (05:17)
    Step one, two weeks after 4.5 million Michiganders or 55% of our eligible population have received their first shot, we will lift the state’s requirement for employers to require remote work when feasible. I want to thank the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, their Return to Office Work Group, and the many business leaders, labor leaders, health experts who participated for their recommendations. I’m also grateful for the Federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration for taking the lead to keep workplaces safe. We’ll make sure that our rules remain consistent with national standards. At our current rate, we will likely reach 55% by the end of next week, meaning we could reach step one just two weeks later before the end of May. But it’s counting on all of us to keep pushing, to make sure we get vaccinated.

    Governor Whitmer: (06:09)
    Step two. Two weeks after we hit 4.9 million Michiganders or 60% have received their first shot, we’ll increase indoor capacity at sports stadiums, conference centers, banquet halls, and funeral homes to 25%. We’ll increase capacity limits at gyms to 50%. And we’ll lift the curfew on bars and restaurants. For this step and the next, MDHHS may delay implementation in a certain region if the seven day average of new cases is greater than 250 a day per million Michiganders. We believe this is unlikely, but it’s an important safety valve if something unexpected were to happen.

    Governor Whitmer: (06:48)
    Step three. Two weeks after 5.3 million Michiganders or 65% have received their first shot, we’ll lift all indoor capacity limits, only requiring social distancing between parties and relax the limits on residential social gatherings.

    Governor Whitmer: (07:06)
    And finally, step four. Two weeks after 5.7 million Michiganders or 70% have received their first shot, we’ll lift the MDHHS gathering and face masks order. And MDHHS will no longer impose broad mitigation measures unless an unanticipated circumstance arrives, such as the spread of vaccine resistant variants. That is Team Michigan’s challenge. Let’s get back to normal. And to those family, friends, and neighbors who still have questions about the vaccine, let me answer some of them and speak directly to you. The vaccine is safe. It’ll protect you, your family, and other people from getting COVID. It has gone through rigorous testing and over 140 million Americans have taken it. The COVID vaccine like others before it for polio and smallpox is trusted by doctors.

    there is more .look it up its real...but you get the picture.."VAC TO NORMAL".polititians politicing health and lifestyle..vax passport/certificates coming whether you like it or not.....confused.png

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