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    I read Your opinion BF. You state ' not rushed' and ' mostly complete'. These statements are in essence unscientific. Do You disagree ? As a layperson, in all matters of inportance in My and My Families Life I have relied on critical thinking. The corruption and poor ethics of many in Our World cannot be brushed aside, not when it comes to My Family. To My point, the normal protocols used in vaccine trials include those whose immune systems are comprised. Does anyone else find it disturbing that the very fellow humans who are likely to die were not included? Even in the absence of meta analysis and Peer review, a simple enquiry of those o find to be of reasonable intelligence defies belief. I am referring to the overwhelming truth that most ' believe' these vaccines for this novel coronavirus will impart immunity. I am told that My non vaccinated prescence in public and a place of worship will put the frail at risk. This statement will ring true for many readers. No shame in that. The narrative given by health leaders and government officials is the same. By omission and carefully worded statements they are ' leading' Us into the yard. After many years of on farm observation it easy to grasp how a mob of People will simply head into the only open gate with both urgency and relief. To conclude My response Buddy, I ask that You and others find out for Yourselves just what the manufacturers purport that their jabs will actually do for Youand Yours. The truth is that perhaps , for some but not all, a reduction in the severity of symptoms will occur for the strain referred to as covid-19. When You stand next to the frail in this country with Your moisture laden mask older than twenty minutes ( which of course You have not done and would not do ?) there will be no futher risk of transmission and Life can continue on as before? Economy put back, jobs, prosperity? If so, then ask Your local Member be they left , right , black white or khaki WHY did they not protect those who died in 2019 from the same complications triggered by seasonal influenza ? Why, if masks were effective could We walk unchallenged into aged residences and even hospitals to diagnose, care for or simply visit those with immunosuppressed complications ? I am hoping that You and others see that there is a capability and responsibility of Our so called authorities to answer that and other questions. The opportunity to be self grandiose and come to the rescue was apparent. When they responded to fear mongering by the likes of Dr Anthony Fauci who added to this avalanche by stating on a World media forum that ' this corona virus is ELEVEN times more deadly than the flu! This is the fellow who is head of CDC ( centre for disease control) for three hundred million americans. At that moment even a thirteen year old Granddaughter begged Me to stop discussing and dissecting the research already available. She stated ' Grandfather, stop it! Don't You know? this virus van kill all of Us!' Such was the power of thinking that a Kelpie would come from behind and rake its teeth across Her shank. To this Day She will not discuss the subject in any form. In a nutshell, We are all entitled to opinion. Ot is gair to respect that right. When would be rulers make unsubstantiated comments and rules around any subject without the evidence to support their platform then Our collective ears should prick up. There is a bluddy Fox in the paddock for sure. Happy to feast on a Lamb and its Mother as it is giving birth. The graphic explanation is intended to shock Buddy. As a Veteran of the defence force I am ever in remembrance of the warning left ad a legacy for all mankind. ' Lest We Forget' , to remember. Its time to listen, investigate, discuss and STAND UP for something or Fall for anything. Our Loved ones are watching.
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