An exercise held in 2018. Amazingly predictive given the current...

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    An exercise held in 2018. Amazingly predictive given the current circumstances

    Clade X was a day-long pandemic tabletop exercise conducted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security on May 15, 2018, in Washington, DC.
    Educational Themes Built into the Scenario

    In the year-long process of developing the exercise, we identified a number of learning objectives that were derived from actual disease outbreaks in recent years. The following themes were built into the Clade X scenario:

    • Some epidemics evolve very rapidly.
    • A moderately contagious and moderately lethal respiratory virus can lead to a catastrophic pandemic.
    • Rapid diagnostic tests are not available for novel pathogens.
    • Public health capabilities for disease surveillance and response are weak in many countries.
    • Quarantine and surveillance policies and practices are inconsistent across countries.
    • It is often very difficult to determine the origin of an epidemic and attribute causality.
    • It typically takes years to develop and produce new medical countermeasures (MCMs) against a novel pathogen.
    • There is limited capacity for public health response to epidemics in the United States and globally.
    • Public health quarantine laws and surveillance systems are inconsistent across states.
    • Hospitals have limited stockpiles of essential supplies and medications and limited surge capacity, which hinders resiliency.
    • Epidemics can have substantial economic and societal consequences.
    • The same biotechnology revolution that enables rapid progress in countermeasures development lowers the bar to the development of, and deliberate or accidental release of, a novel pathogen
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