Very few "antivaxxers" (actually anti experimental mRNA therapy)...

  1. 25,101 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 128
    Very few "antivaxxers" (actually anti experimental mRNA therapy) are climate deniers. The vast majority of us "follow the science", just not necessarily "the authorities". Truth is the real authority, not some systemically corrupt government official claiming to be the "authority" and what they say must be taken as "truth". Everything hinges on evidence. The evidence for global warming is overwhelming, major navies have been collecting ocean temperatures since WW1 as it is critical to anti-submarine warfare. Paleobotanists, geologists, and geophysicists have worked out the relations between greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas uptake, solar radiation, and earthly climates. A massive data set exists and the details of the theories/modelling get openly discussed. If anything is being officially denied, it is again government officials denying how serious the problem is.

    The evidence for the effectiveness of the mRNA "vaccines" is in tatters. The evidence that they are seriously dangerous is becoming overwhelming.
    Systemically corrupt government officials deny they were paid off and the mRNA injection program is an ongoing disaster.

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