BS....If they are going to "officially treat Covid like the FLU"...

  1. 95 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    BS....If they are going to "officially treat Covid like the FLU" they should not be forcing a booster on everyone.
    Flu jabs are not mandated, we aren't forced to be "up to date" with flu jabs, we aren't prevented from travel and social activities, made to wear masks etc. We aren't forced to give up our jobs if we don't get a flu jab. Think about this....they have forced completely healthy people from their jobs and will continue to do so if they don't agree to take a 'vaccine' that has little to no effect. That's just insanity!!
    Many people in Australia have little to no immunity against Covid now since they had their second jabs more than 4 months ago yet the number of Covid infections are falling everywhere along with the number of hospitalisations and ICU cases. However the govt. is still fear mongering and pushing boosters.
    It's even debatable that this 'vaccine' lessens the effects of Covid, the govt. just keep repeating that mantra, show us the evidence. The 'vaccine' didn't do the two most important things we were promised - stop us from getting Covid and stop us from transmitting it.
    They are even going to force the booster on people who have had Covid and recovered, and they completely dismiss the effects of natural immunity!
    Why would you take a dubious 'vaccine' for a disease you have contracted and recovered from?
    And why force boosters when your immunity levels will be back to the same level or worse in 10 to 12 weeks? Why will it be ok to have that level of immunity 10-12 weeks into the future but not now?
    So if you refuse the booster you'll be considered 'overdue' and face losing your job, travel restrictions etc but if you do take it you can do everything despite 10-12 weeks later having the same level of immunity as an 'overdue'...this makes zero sense, where is the logic? Seems more like an exercise in power and control than anything.
    And international people can come and mingle having had only two doses, someone explain how that works...force healthy Australians out of their jobs if only double vaxxed but allow international tourists in to do as they please if double vaxxed.....
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