1. 307 Posts.
    In trying to work out the actual risk of death (NSW) based on the latest real data, I have been informed that even though the vaccinated appear to be dying at a greater rate, one must divide them into the total population to get a correct result.
    So you take the total of the eligible (over 15 years) and divide the respective deaths into the population number.This is how they get 3x, 10x, 20x, 100x etc. risk of the unvaccinated compared to the vacced.
    The eligible to be vaccinated I estimate at about 6,676,000. Of that 94% is 6,275,400 and unvaccinated at about 400,560.Let's see what we get for February in NSW

    Deaths 509
    Unvac 114
    ALL Vacc 395

    114/400,560 = 0.00028 or 0.028% risk of dying
    395/6,275,400 = 0.000063 or 0.0063 risk of dying

    Divide 0.00028/0.000063 = 4.66
    The unvaccinated are 4.66x likely to die as the vaccinated.
    That's the negative view, the positive way to look at it is, there is a 99.97% chance of NOT dying for the unvaccinated and a 99.99% chance for the vaccinated. And that's for folk with underlying conditions!!

    But what would we be likely to see published "Unvaccinated 4.6x more likely to die" or "Extremely low chance of death regardless of vaccination status".

    Then I wondered, why should the children not be included as unvacced simply because they were not eligible at the time. They can carry the virus, spread it, get sick from it and are out and about mixing etc.Will post an update soon.
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