Menta the Corona Virus vaccine was patented years ago. This is...

  1. 330 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    Menta the Corona Virus vaccine was patented years ago. This is all a planned event . It is all part of AGENDA 21 AGENDA 30. which is a planned reset/depopulation Agenda of the Elite. Paul Keating originally signed Australia up to AGENDA 21/30.

    In about 2010 the Wuhan lab bought the SARS and AIDS proteins to an Australian Lab and attached both protiens to a Corona envelope I think you call it. Wuhan lab took results back to China.The Australian Lab was The Australian Animal Health Lab which is the CSIRO. The AAHL has recently changed its name to Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness - CSIRO. Australian Government knew all about this
    Australia is in this up to their necks. Real Frankestien stuff.
    I have previously posted proof of what I have posted above , maybe in this forum or maybe another forum. I do not recall but I posted proof maybe 2 years ago approx. When I have some free time I will go back and find the info/proof and post it here.

    COVID-19 is just another step on the ladder for the Elite to achieve their final goal. The drought , bush fires and other freak weather events were also the work of the Elite using technology to manipulate and control the weather. Weather control/weapons date back to the Vietnam War (Operation Popeye - ) and since then the weather weapon technology has advanced considerably and is still being used today.
    Last edited by godl: 09/07/21
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